Optimizing IT & Workflows

In the increasingly connected and computer-based daily work routine, the optimization of work processes plays a significant role with regard to increasingly scarce time resources. For example, evidence of the nursing quality provided under consideration of the legal framework, is indispensable. By using nursing classifications in electronic format (as databases), which are integrated into existing software, IT & connected workflows nursing interventions can be optimized. 

  • ENP
  • IDEA
  • Integration
Base de données

ENP in Electronic Format – the Solution for the Entire Nursing Care Process

The ENP database electronically illustrates the entire nursing care process from the nursing diagnosis to the nursing intervention. This provides nurses with a variety of options to correctly implement nursing documentation and work with the ENP practice guidelines. The great advantage is a very concrete, detailed formulation of the nursing diagnoses. The ENP database is available in German, English, French, Italian and Spanish. If you are interested in this ENP database solution, please contact us using the form on the right or directly at info@recom.eu.

You can find all details about ENP HERE.

Figure: structure of a practice guideline according to ENP



NANDA-I in Electronic Format – a Tool for Nursing Diagnoses

NANDA International in electronic format illustrates the familiar NANDA-I structure, i.e. the nursing diagnoses sorted by domains (e.g. domain safety) including definitions and the defining characteristics and related factors or risk factors. The delivered database is integrated into the existing software, such as Agfa Orbis or Siemens, and can thus be easily integrated into daily work routine. The NANDA-I taxonomy provides the opportunity to collect audits based on standardized documented nursing data.

You can find all details about NANDA-I HERE.

Fig.: Example of a nursing diagnosis of NANDA International.

Official licensing of NANDA-I nursing diagnoses

RECOM is the official licensee in German-speaking countries of the German translation of the NANDA-I nursing diagnoses in the current version 2021-2023.

With the publication of the 2009-2011 version, NANDA-I changed its (book) publication mode, now the classification will be updated every three years. NANDA-I encourages the use of the most current version and requests that this version is cited in books and other publications. The current edition should also be used in daily practice.

As soon as a new edition is published, it replaces the older version.

For any use of the nursing diagnoses beyond the printed book edition, the licensee must be asked whether a license must be purchased and under what conditions. NANDA-I uses revenues from licensing to support the continued development of the nursing classification.

Licensing for Software Companies or End Users

There are two different license models. On the one side for software companies who want to integrate NANDA-I into their product, on the other side for end users such as hospitals or individual institutions. For inquiries please use our contact form.


A Meaningful Alliance: NANDA-I PLUS

Within the nursing terminology and classification ENP (European Nursing care Pathways) more than 560 detailed practice guidelines are available. A practice guideline always consists of the preceding nursing diagnosis, associated characteristics, etiologies, resources, outcomes and finally the nursing interventions and thus offers you a high degree of accuracy within the documentation.

The database of NANDA International illustrates the familiar NANDA-I structure: currently 244 established nursing diagnoses with corresponding defining characteristics, related factors or risk factors and associated conditions and risk populations. But what to do if you want to use the NANDA-I structure, but want to complete the nursing care process and its documentation with nursing outcomes and interventions?

Use “the Plus”

RECOM provides a helpful combination of both databases (NANDA-I and ENP). For this purpose, the existing NANDA-I structure is supplemented by nursing outcomes and interventions of ENP in order to be able to illustrate a complete nursing care process based on the NANDA-I nursing diagnoses as well.

As a result of this intelligent linkages, users are shown outcomes and interventions from the ENP practice guidelines for the respective NANDA-I nursing diagnoses combined in the NANDA-I PLUS database.

You can find all details about NANDA-I PLUS & NANDA-I HERE.


The familiar NANDA-I structure (shown in red in the figure) ...

... is linked to the nursing outcomes and interventions from the ENP practice guideline (shown in blue in the figure). 


Structured History Collection with IDEA

IDEA (Interdisciplinary Data based Electronic Assessment) is used to collect structured history information. IDEA is an interdisciplinary, database-based history structure. All health-related data can be collected in a structured manner. The collected data can be retrieved and, if necessary, edited at any time and visualized in third-party applications due to unambiguous coding via e.g. XML format.

The aim of the individual assessment of care receivers at the beginning of the interdisciplinary treatment process is to find out what needs exist and what kind of support is required.

You can find all details about IDEA HERE.

More than 1,400 Coded Text Modules and Additional Free-Text Fields

IDEA provides more than 1,400 coded text modules for various specialist contexts and also offers the option of making individual entries in free text fields which in turn can be retrieved for analysis. The formulation of the system's text modules is based on the relevant expert standards and corresponds to the current state of research. IDEA is also linked to risk assessment scales and records.

“The Card Box of Modernity”

In general, the RECOM nursing databases provide the possibility to organize data. This involves supporting nursing work by providing scientifically based nursing expertise. Data are quickly and easily collected, edited, searched, categorized, as well as securely and reliably stored and thus documented. Upon request, we will be pleased to provide you with comprehensive advice and support to ensure smooth integration into your system. We deliver all databases including database description in different formats.

> Your Benefits
  • The nursing databases are integrated into the existing software environment of hospitals or elderly homes to be available to nursing staff at all times.
  • Supporting nurses in their everyday work through constant availability of up-to-date nursing knowledge
  • The nursing databases provide the basis for illustration, planning, and evaluation of nursing care
  • Standardized language promotes clarity of communication among nurses
  • Creation of performance transparency towards payers through the illustration of nursing actions in the treatment process
  • Generating nursing data to promote patient safety and nursing quality
  • The nursing databases enable patient outcomes to be collected and data to be provided for case cost calculations
  • Supporting the nursing education process through the creation of detailed nursing care plans
  • Through the continuous, systematic further development of ENP and NANDA-I, there is a smooth transfer of current nursing expertise into practice
  • Nursing databases support users in their decision-making in their nursing work
> Facts & Figures
  • More than 200 institutions are already working with the nursing databases of RECOM, for example in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Luxembourg.
  • Transfer of the requested database is available in CSV and MS SQL format
  • The nursing databases can be integrated into the existing software environment of hospitals or elderly homes to be available to nursing staff at all times.
  • The RECOM nursing databases, for example, have already been integrated into the software systems of the companies NEXUS, Dedalus (formerly Agfa), GWI, Swing, Syseca, Polypoint, root-service ag and Systema.
  • Updates of the databases are ensured by RECOM and are available as an update option
  • Updates of the NANDA-I database will be provided every three years, in line with the German NANDA-I book publication of the RECOM publishing house
  • The update of the ENP database will be provided regularly
  • For questions and problems, RECOM offers a comprehensive support by system experts

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