The Development Team of the Nursing Classification ENP

The goal of the development team is the continuous development and a current scientific status of ENP.
You can find all details on further development and the scientific background HERE.


Dr. Pia Wieteck

Dr. Pia Wieteck

Head of the ENP Development Team & Head of Research & Development

Sebastian Kraus

Sebastian Kraus, M.Sc.

Deputy Head of
Research & Development

Simon Berger

Simon Berger, M.Sc.N.

Head of Product/Project Management

Isabella Schmidpeter

Isabella Schmidpeter, MPH

Research assistant

Stephanie Hausherr

Stephanie Hausherr, B.Sc, M.Sc.N. cand.

Research assistant

Oliver Schuler

Oliver Schuler, Dipl.-Ing.

Software Development
Database Management and Data Analysis

Dr. Holger Mosebach

Dr Holger Mosebach

Linguist and Translator for English & Head of Content Management Team

Christine Rabl

Christine Rabl

Translator for French & Spanish

Sabine Kopp, B.Sc.

Sabine Kopp, B.Sc.

Research assistant

Dr Qiumei Jiang-Siebert

Dr. Qiumei Jiang-Siebert

Research assistant

Elisabetta De Vecchis, M.A.

Elisabetta De Vecchis, M.A.

Translator for Italian

Carina Sickau

Carina Sickau

Research assistant

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